I’m currently working in Brubank’s iOS app (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brubank/id1295202448). When testing, we use a server that we bootstrap locally. We have a mixed test base of unit and integration tests.
As our tests depend on the backend, some months ago I implemented (via scripting) the code to setup the server, that run in Bitrise (CI).
This was achieved via fastlane, and the part of getting the server up was somehow like this:
desc 'Bootstrap the hub'
lane :bootstrap_hub do |options|
hub_path = options[:hub_path]
clone_hub_repo(hub_path: options[:hub_path], hub_branch: options[:hub_branch])
Dir.chdir(hub_path) do
#example of those lanes
private_lane :start_services do
sh('brew services start rabbitmq')
sh('brew services start postgresql')
sh('brew services start elasticsearch')
sh('brew services start redis')
private_lane :install_pips do
sh("pip install idna chardet urllib3 faker requests")
Each of those functions were needed to set the whole environment (i.e: install go, install python, install pips, start brew services, etc…).
While this worked, it clearly wasn’t the better solution. When the backend needed to change something about the setup, like the version of go, or new dependencies were added, we would need to change the script. B
However, the bigger issue came with when the backend decided to migrate to microservices. For us it was problematic, because there was a different repo with that microservice and the whole logic of bootstrapping that microservice would need to be scripted, which would take a huge amount of time.
While trying to figure out a solution, we needed to:
The first step was to talk with our awesome infra team (one of the best I’ve worked with) on how we could achieve this. They helped me by explaining how our server could be built with Docker and they implemented this using docker & azure. One week later, I had the images available in docker to try!
But, what is docker (https://www.docker.com/)?
Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Docker’s methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly, you can significantly reduce the delay between writing code and running it in production.
So my task was to be able to run Docker locally (both while developing in my machine and in Bitrise).
I think someone could benefit of my process of thought, so the steps I planned were:
(1) and (2) were achieved with fairly easiness, I literally sat near the infra team for the whole process. However, with (3) “Be able to have docker installed in a machine in bitrise” was a different story.
If you want to pull a docker image, you would explicitly need docker’s app installed (the one that looks like a whale) The problem in CI is that it is fairly complicated to launch docker headless (i.e: without a desktop, from command line). Docker doesn’t run natively in OSx: it runs natively on linux. The trick that docker app uses is a tool named hypervisor. From the docs:
Docker for Mac is a native MacOS X application that embeds a hypervisor (based on xhyve), a Linux distribution and filesystem and network sharing that is much more Mac native. You just drag-and-drop the Mac application to /Applications, run it, and the Docker CLI just works.
But we cannot simply drag and drop while running in CI.
From https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/3567:
Docker.app is not running as a service because it runs in user space.
It is a gui app that launch underlying components so you need to be logged in.
There is no way to launch them without the gui in the current version.
Sorry for that.
So, no way of launching docker without a GUI with the current version of docker.
However, there was some light. According to https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/2359, one could do this:
brew cask install docker
sudo /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --quit-after-install --unattended
nohup /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --unattended &
and it would work. So I tried that method.
I continued scripting using the same idea as above. It’s important to note that the docker version needs to be one that supports launching it via unattended without crashing. I tried with the current version but it didn’t work. I then found that there was an older version that did work.
So the scripts look like the following:
desc 'Bootstrap the hub'
lane :bootstrap_hub do |options|
sh('brew install docker docker-compose')
# This is the last version of docker that supports installing headless (from terminal).
# https://github.com/janeczku/dotfiles/blob/master/install-software.sh
sh('curl -O -sSL https://download.docker.com/mac/stable/31259/Docker.dmg')
sh('open -W Docker.dmg && cp -r /Volumes/Docker/Docker.app /Applications')
sh('sudo /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --quit-after-install --unattended')
with this docker was installed.
There’s also a delay for when docker is turning on.
So we need to to wait until docker is up. We can query docker state with docker stats --no-stream
When it returns a successful response, then docker is up:
desc 'Bootstrap the hub'
lane :bootstrap_hub do |options|
sh('brew install docker docker-compose')
# This is the last version of docker that supports installing headless (from terminal).
# https://github.com/janeczku/dotfiles/blob/master/install-software.sh
sh('curl -O -sSL https://download.docker.com/mac/stable/31259/Docker.dmg')
sh('open -W Docker.dmg && cp -r /Volumes/Docker/Docker.app /Applications')
sh('sudo /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --quit-after-install --unattended')
docker_pid = fork do
Signal.trap("INT") { exit }
sh('nohup /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --unattended &')
response = ''
start_time = Time.now
loop do
UI.message("Waiting until Docker is up...")
response = sh("docker stats --no-stream")
rescue => ex
response = ''
if Time.now - start_time > WAIT_FOR_DOCKER_DELAY
UI.user_error! "Timeout while waiting for docker app to be running!"
break if response != ''
UI.success("Docker is up!")
There we have docker already working in a headless environment. We need to login to docker to pull the images:
## Replace with your credentials
sh("echo #{ENV["DOCKER_PASSWORD"]} | docker login <docker-registry> -u <docker-user> --password-stdin")
Now we are authenticated into docker.
We can easily script starting and stopping the server:
desc 'Starts the hub server'
lane :start_hub do |options|
sh('docker-compose pull')
sh('docker-compose up -d')
desc 'Stops running hub'
lane :stop_hub do |options|
sh('CONFIGS="--dev /hub/hub/config_bitrise.toml" docker-compose down')
With this and some more scripting, we could achieve almost every point except (6).
(6) Be able to pull specific branches of our server, not just our master.
To achieve that point, after talking with the infra team, they made two endpoints available:
Note that there is a docker-compose.yml
that depends on your configuration.
I’m not adding here, but you will need it.
Beware with threading in fastlane. I wrote this to kill docker thread after everything finish running (specially errors):
desc 'Kill process'
lane :kill_process do |options|
pid = options[:pid]
# Note: 2 corresponds to SIGINT, which is == ctrl + c
sh("lsof -ti:8081 | xargs kill -2")
Process.kill("INT", pid)
[18:29:18]: $ docker stats --no-stream
[18:29:19]: ▸ Analytics: Sent backendStartingVm event.
[18:29:48]: ▸ DockerState: stopped
[18:29:49]: ▸ Terminator: Supervisor has failed, shutting down: Supervisor caught an error: one of the children died: com.docker.driver.amd64-linux (pid: 2467)
[18:29:54]: ▸ error during connect: Get http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/version: EOF
This is WIP, but I’m trying to catch that error and in that case attempt to initialize docker again. Something like this:
docker_pid = initialize_docker
response = ''
start_time = Time.now
loop do
UI.message("Waiting until Docker is up...")
response = sh("docker stats --no-stream")
rescue => ex
# Sometimes it randomly fails, so we initialize docker again.
if ex.to_s.include? "DockerState: stopped"
UI.message "Restarting Docker app ..."
kill_process(pid: docker_pid)
docker_pid = initialize_docker
UI.success "Docker app restarted!"
if Time.now - start_time > WAIT_FOR_DOCKER_DELAY
UI.user_error! "Timeout while waiting for docker app to be running!"
break if response != ''
desc 'initialize docker and return pid'
private_lane :initialize_docker do |options|
docker_pid = fork do
Signal.trap("INT") { exit }
sh('nohup /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/Docker --unattended &')